Reconstruct 3D protein density model fraom random 2D projections with unknown viewing angles.
Cryo-electron Microscopy via the Method of Moments
Rotation-invariant autocorrelation features are extracted from random 2D projections with unknown viewing angles, and then used to reconstruct the 3D protein density model (Huang et al., 2023).
Orthogonal Matrix Retrieval with Spatial Consensus for 3D Unknown View Tomography
Shuai Huang, Mona Zehni, Ivan Dokmanić , and 1 more author
@article{OMR_SC,author={Huang, Shuai and Zehni, Mona and Dokmani\'{c}, Ivan and Zhao, Zhizhen},title={Orthogonal Matrix Retrieval with Spatial Consensus for 3D Unknown View Tomography},journal={SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences},volume={16},number={3},pages={1398-1439},year={2023}}